An in-depth analysis of the data will lead to more efficient processes and a better quality of the products or services offered. In training and coaching activities, we promote intelligent ways of analyzing data from processes using the Excel program or the statistical software Minitab, thus becoming efficient in carrying out improvement projects. We also offer 2-3 day data analysis courses depending on the client's needs. We use the Minitab software, whose free "trial" version of 30 days can be downloaded from the address https://www.minitab.com/en-us/products/minitab/free-trial.
Our promise is that by the end of these sessions, you will have learned to:
We combine theory with simulations, games, practical exercises, case studies and work on topics selected by clients.
We integrate in our training half or one-day customized process simulation designed to achieve breakthrough thinking. During the simulation, participants learn and apply the principles and tools of Time Management, Lean Management and Six Sigma, with the aim of improving the way of doing things.